Host Organisation: South West London Law Centres 2022

Shanice Danso

Briefly explain your most recent educational background and any work (paid or voluntary) you were doing before you began your Fellowship?

I was studying for a psychology degree at Goldsmith University. After I completed my psychology degree, I began to develop an interest in law and decided to study the GDL and LPC at BPP University.
I joined South West London Law Centres in November 2020. I was working as a crisis navigator and money adviser at South West London Law Centres. As a crisis navigator I provided holistic advice for clients that needed advice on welfare benefits and housing. I worked as a money adviser and advised clients that had multiple priority and non-priority debts.

Why did you want to apply for a Justice First Fellowship?

I wanted to apply for the Justice First Fellowship, because I have been able to experience first-hand since working as a crisis navigator and money adviser the benefit of helping those who are vulnerable and urgently need legal advice. The experience working at South West Law Centres only further cemented my desire to work in social welfare law. I wanted to pursue a career in social welfare law because it would provide me an opportunity to make a difference in my local community.

Complete the following sentence: ‘Outside of my legal interests, I enjoy…’

Outside my legal interests, I enjoy reading books and learning new things about business, finance, and personal development. I enjoy listening to podcasts on different business leaders and how they were able to get to the position that they are in now. Also, I enjoy watching documentaries on musicians and film stars from the 1930’s-1970’s. I enjoy going to music concerts and watching live musical shows in the theatre. Lastly, I am a big boxing fan and enjoy watching boxing matches.

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