The Foundation has developed four principal ways for sponsors to be involved:

  1. Targeted Host Support
    This ties financial support from a sponsor to a Fellowship at a specific host organisation. It is an excellent way to leverage support to build on an existing relationship with a legal advice partner. For example, Herbert Smith Freehills is co-sponsoring a Fellow at is long-standing partner Child Poverty Action Group.
  2. Regional Consortium
    This model combines contributions from a group of sponsors in a particular region to fund a Fellowship at a local organisation. For example, four Bristol law firms (TLT, Osborne Clarke, DAC Beachcroft and Burges Salmon) contributed toward the cost of a Justice First Fellow at the Avon & Bristol Law Centre.
  3. Single or Regular Donation
    An organisation can simply make a general contribution to the Fellowship fund that goes. Existing contributors include Unbound Philanthropy, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Allen & Overy LLP.
  4. Corporate/Law Firm Partnership
    This is a funding partnership between a company and the law firm(s) it uses. We currently have a major corporate institution signed up to this model of sponsorship and are in talks to bring others on board.

All the costs of administering the Fellowship scheme are covered and so any sponsorship goes directly in to putting Fellows in place in local communities.

Become a Sponsor





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Registered charity 271297 (England/Wales)